6 Aug 2018

Apathy No More. Take your dreams back!

This post was inspired by "Teal Swans" Video "How to Cure Apathy".
I highly recommend you go watch that video if you feel like your life has become anything but the daring adventure it is mend to be!

I actually experienced childhood exactly the way Teal described it. And the fucked up thing is that when I turned 18 and found new hope and started to dream big again my parents showed me again that they didn't believe in me and that was the deepest rooted believe of my old self.

Moving into my new Self I now welcome my ANGER and HATE toward them for doing this to me. Justifications like "You should be grateful that we give you so much" and "Look at Joe's parents they give him even less than we are giving you". With this bullshit trying to justify what shitty parents they were in this regards.

I love'em now and understand that they we're only afraid of me failing because then they would feel feeling ashamed in front of others. But that Anger and Hate is very crucial to me to understand what they did was wrong and fucked up and absolutely not an acceptable trait for any parent who is actually committed to being a real parent who is meeting all the needs of a child that are so god damn crucial for their development!

 Dream Big! Recognize that is right to feel anger toward those that took your dreams from you! Take your dreams back and hold that middle finger high until you naturally find that calm untouchable state. But don't try to be all spiritual about it by suppressing your hate and pretending like you are above it already when your current Vibration is actually below it.

 Love & Peace to all of you.
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