Who am I ?
My Name is Michael. I am 19 years old and I live in the small German town "Speyer".
I used to play tons of videogames which was caused by and further facilitated my lack in social skills to some degree.
Today I still like and play games occasionally. I wrote a short eBook with the intend to connect to both, hardcore gamers and prejudiced Non-Gamers. I might write reviews, also movie reviews on here as well but that was not the main purpose for me to start this blog.
I used to play tons of videogames which was caused by and further facilitated my lack in social skills to some degree.
Today I still like and play games occasionally. I wrote a short eBook with the intend to connect to both, hardcore gamers and prejudiced Non-Gamers. I might write reviews, also movie reviews on here as well but that was not the main purpose for me to start this blog.
Why did I start this blog ?
While I definitely experienced how consistency is essential for growth in any area, I am still valuing the concept of trying new things every day. I like to call it "getting out of autopilot".
As Tony Robbins put it in regard to certainty and uncertainty I believe we need both: routines which we commit to everyday i.e. working out, reading, meditation; As well as changing up our overall daily routine either drastically by deciding to go camping with your buddies at 7 in the evening when it is already pitch-dark, or even as small as walking against the direction designated by the escalator.
This idea of breaking out of routines is a concept I would invite you to experiment with. Therefore I will share anecdotes of mine.
However you might gain all kinds of knowledge on here. Prepare for your first and potentially not last lesson in Latin which is related to:
As Tony Robbins put it in regard to certainty and uncertainty I believe we need both: routines which we commit to everyday i.e. working out, reading, meditation; As well as changing up our overall daily routine either drastically by deciding to go camping with your buddies at 7 in the evening when it is already pitch-dark, or even as small as walking against the direction designated by the escalator.
This idea of breaking out of routines is a concept I would invite you to experiment with. Therefore I will share anecdotes of mine.
However you might gain all kinds of knowledge on here. Prepare for your first and potentially not last lesson in Latin which is related to:
What the heck does the title mean ?
So the word "routine" comes from French word route which originated from the the Latin "via rupta". "Via" is the path. In Latin an adjective is linked to a noun through congruence in
- case "casus" (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, and vocative )
- number "numerus" (singular, plural)
- gender "genus" (masculine, feminine and neuter)
"Via" is feminine therefore the participle of the verb "rumpere" - (to) break is also feminine.
The suffix "a" indicates feminine (in the common A-conjugation).
Being the genius I am, I used the (feminine form of the) Latin word for unknown: "ignota" and came up with: Routignota
Where am I going ?
I love outdoor activities and camping. I will go on a 2 month road trip to Istanbul with 5 of my mates, after graduating in the coming spring.
I am planning quite a lot more to come. Prepare for divers content in even more divers formats!
In this last year 2013 I got into personal development and working out. I was massively empowered by Elliott Hulse's videos to "Become the strongest version of myself" which helped me to take the first steps on the path that I have chosen.
Thank You Elliott!